When it comes to college, stress is on a lot of students’ minds. We constantly think about the next assignment, the next test, the next…everything! What we don’t think about is ourselves. We run from one class to another, and then we have clubs and review sessions to worry about, let alone making sure we have time to eat and sleep. I’m just here to tell you that it’s okay to take a breath now and then. Relax, and enjoy your time in college among friends! With that in mind, I wanted to put together some self-care tips and tricks, as well as methods of time management, so you can all put yourselves first for a little while.
So what exactly is self-care? Merriam-Webster puts it simply as “care for oneself”, but those three little words have a whole lot of meaning when it comes to each individual. It’s making sure you don’t get stressed or burnt out from the everyday happenings of life. Our generation often thinks of self-care as something selfish, but it’s a necessary part of life. Especially in a time like this, where there’s a lot going on in the world around us, we all need a little time to ourselves.
To help us out, here are some tips on self-care from HuffPost:
- Create a Gratitude List
- Unplug for a day
- Practice mini-meditation
- Dance it out
- Take a walk
- Sleep
- Get quality time with a quality person
- Write or journal your thoughts
- Do something new
- Stretch
For more ideas on self-care, check out the following websites:
Time Management
Now, what is time management? Like self-care, it pretty much gives it away in the name, but it’s the ability to properly and efficiently take control of what you do and when. There’s a lot to get done in college, and sometimes we need a little extra help making sure it all happens.
For this, I turned to Forbes magazine for some helpful hints at how to better manage your time:
- Set a time limit for each task
- Plan ahead
- Learn to delegate
- Use an online calendar
- Stop being perfect
- Just say “no”
- Don’t waste time waiting
- Find inspiration
- Do less
- Get organized
If you want to learn more about the above tasks, or find some different ones, try out the following links:
In the end, no matter what works for you, there are endless resources and methods out there to help! I know college is stressful; and your schedules may seem “too busy” to do these things, but in the long run, they’re important. Believe me, you have time.