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Mental Wellness: What is it and How can it Benefit You?

Wesley Hoang

Mental wellness is a positive state of mental health. In this mind set, you are able to think, feel and act in ways that create a positive impact on the environment around you (Samhealth). Mental wellness is an important part of college when it comes to doing tasks that require brain activity. Many things that you do everyday in your daily lives takes a toll on you. From balancing different activities, such as chores, hanging out with friends, and studying, it can be very hard to keep up with all these things at the same time. Achieving a state of mental wellness will allow you to tackle all these activities in a positive mind set, and be prepared for the next day.

Stress plays a significant role in the way we feel, and how we deal with the strenuous tasks. Stress can be categorized in two different ways; acute and chronic. Acute stress is typically known as the “flight or fight”, and this is initiated immediately when the body senses a threat. Chronic stress is when a stressful situation persists over a long period of time.

Maybe you are in a situation where your test is tomorrow, and you have not touched any of the material. This would activate the acute stress to do something about it immediately and attempt to pass this exam.

Suppose you have this big project that was assigned to you three weeks ago, but it is due in a month. You go about everyday doing your normal thing, you still have not touched the project, and it makes you feel “off”. This is chronic stress, and it can weigh your day down just by simply being present.

These are all types of stressful situations that we may encounter during our years in college. However, there are ways to avoid them, and enhance your mindset.

Proactively planning out your schedule is essential in avoiding these situations. Have a chemistry exam next month? Plan out your studying schedule ahead of time, and do a little at a time! Being proactive allows you to be better prepared to take on your day, and improves your mental wellness by reducing all the stress.

Having a rough time dealing with everything? Take a little bit of your time out of your day and do some meditation or yoga! Taking a moment by yourself will allow you to decompress, and reduce the stress from your daily activities.

For more info on yoga classes at UMass Amherst click here:



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